Friday, April 27, 2012

The Children

The Sun River grounds are almost finished just as we are welcoming new families to the ranch. Thanks to the recent mention of our program in the Idaho Statesman, we have some children ready to get started!
Team Sun River Equine will participate in The Dirty Dash on August 25, 2012. We even have a mascot! Hamlet, our program's own Pot Bellied Pig, will be joining us on race day! Please let us know if you would like to be a part of this team as this should be a fun-filled filthy day!

Taken from the Official Dirty Dash website, "The Dirty Dash gives you a mud-run obstacle course that will put you in touch with nature in a way your mom would have grounded you for in grade school. You’ll scale mountains, chug beers, and crawl through muddy slop so thick that, unlike Andy Dufrane, there’s no way you’re coming out clean on the other side. 


This lava flow of dark brown goodness goes down easier than a 24 pack of Diet Coke or a double-order of Chili’s Molten Lava Cake, but there ain’t no drive-thru or Hamburglar here to make it easy on you. You’ve got to work to make this course your personal Playplace."

Stay tuned to for information about upcoming events! Thank you all for your continued support in making this Youth Ranch an essential part of this community.

Please visit for more information on how you can partner with us ( :

Friday, April 13, 2012

Volunteer Day 3

We would like to thank all of our amazing friends and family for their hard work and dedication on this Sunday. 

You all gave up your day to help us make this ranch happen!  

Thank you:
Koller Family
Green Family
Stearns Family
Shears Family
Walsh Family
Harper Family

And a special thanks to Mr. Marty Quinowski who, not only donated three Tennessee Walkers, their pens, and hay to our program, but also arrived with tools in hand and ready to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

The children of Sun River did what they do best and played the afternoon away.

Volunteers moved hay, cut and stacked wood, built a fire pit, trimmed trees, roto tilled the garden and the list goes on . . . 

There was a moment, when the sun set on the day and I looked out on the property and saw all of the love and joy being shared, and I realized how truly blessed we are to be a part of this journey. Thank you ALL for EVERYTHING!

Prayer in action is love, and love in action is service. Try to give unconditionally whatever a person needs in the moment. The point is to do something, however small, and show you care through your actions by giving your time … We are all God’s children so it is important to share His gifts. Do not worry about why problems exist in the world – just respond to people’s needs … We feel what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean, but that ocean would be less without that drop.
- Mother Teresa