Thank you to all our families for bearing with us as we figured our way through the first year! We ended the season with a joyous Harvest Party! This event was held as a thank you to all our families and supporters as well as a way to raise some money going into the winter months. We sat back in awe of the people who came and reflected on our whole year in a few hours of both fun and chaos. I wished I could have bottled those few hours and have it all fresh in my memory. We were amazed at all the support. It brought tears to our eyes, tears of thankfulness, tears of joy and tears of hope for the seasons to come. We all got so caught up in the 'to do's' of the party we didn't take pictures of all the fun and activities!
However, the day after the party, we did get some pictures of our horses. They were decked out in paint, bells and ribbons thanks to Megan and Kelsey! Thanks you two SO much for helping bless us, our kids and our guests! Here are a few pictures of how our sweet horses were dressed for the occassion!
Each of the words on the horses holds a special meaning as to their story and what/who they were for a handful of the kids that came to the ranch this summer. That to me, is perhaps my most favorite part of the whole party and season.
If I were to speak for Mike, Tanya and I, I would say a few of the most valuable things we learned this year are:
1. With God, ANYTHING is possible. God has given us an amazing family. Without our families, we could not have gotten through our first year. Without eachother, and grace and hope, we could not have gotten through it all. Without GOD, we could not have grown and learned how much he loves us, fights for us, and is there every time we seek Him. We are proud to say that we are stronger in our faith, stronger in our friendship and stronger for eachother than ever. We know that when God calls us to something, there will be trials and bumps in the road. This year, and the years to come, there will be. But we know we can get through ANYTHING with God as our leader and guide, and with eachother by our side.
2. God answers prayers. Yes. He. Does. There are numberous prayers that He answered this year. From providing food for our horses, to bringing us amazing people to serve along our side. We also have been praying for Him to orchestrate our board of directors. And, though it took a while, He answered. He answered on his timing. I've been learning to crave His timing.... because it is always the perfect timing, not always what I think it should be, but I would rather have his timing than mine, because He has a perfect plan. All of the people on our board are God loving, fearing and passionate people who have a love for our calling and support us in every way. As we sat down the other day to our first official board meeting with all our members, an analogy came to mind that describes what our purpose, goal and hope for the board members is. The vision was, Mike, Tanya and I in the front seat of a pick up truck driving along, steering the program (as we follow God down the road), and our amazing board members guiding the pick-up on each side, holding us accountable to follow our mission and keep us on track, spiritually and financially, lest we ever veer off track.
One of our first prayers as we started this adventure was to find a vet who would be completely on board and believe in our passion and purpose. Someone who would help us at some point when we would have the opportunity and blessing to rescue horses. Well, we're so thankful to say, through an amazing and unexpected first rescue situation, we met Dr. Becca, and she is on board! We are rejoicing in the fact she is excited to help and be a part of the program and board.
3. 'Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.' 2 Cor. 3:17
Oh the freedom we have felt and seen..... words can hardly explain. Many days we would start the day off with a circle of prayer. Prayer for protection over the little ones and horses, prayer for His light to fill the place... and if I so humbly may say, He did. He came and filled the ranch with Him. Here are a few pictures of our sweet kids that we were blessed to spend time with and the joy that is in their eyes and on their face - says it all.
A work of art!

Practice makes perfect!
A fine balancing act..
Joy - pure joy. We love you!
This sweet girl below, was told she would never walk or crawl again. At the end of the summer, she was riding almost on her own and CRAWLED up this rock hill with me. It was an amazing moment - I'm so proud of you girl!!!!! Her joy and giggles filled our hearts each week. I miss her so much and can hardly wait to see her next spring!
As we prepare for another year, 2013, we are praying for each of the kids God has for us. We are working diligently to make next year another fun filled year! Thank you more than words can say to each of you who have been a part of our first year, and hopefully the years to come. We cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store!
So, as we continue to enjoy the quiet winter months, though they are cold, we want to wish all of you a wonderful Christmas and holidy season. We are rejoicing in the birth of our Savior and the reason for the season!
Merry Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your families!
Your Sun River Family