Friday, November 22, 2013


There are many natural remedies that we have found to be helpful when working with our horses and in aiding their illnesses. This is not to say that we do not consult a veterinarian first. When considering natural remedies:

-Are they truly "natural" or do they include additives?
-Are there any side effects?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a favorite in our household and for our animals. Not only is the vinegar an aid in fly prevention, but it is also excellent for the digestive system. One of our horses benefited from ACV with his bladder issues.

Essential Oils: Herbs

Essential oils can be expensive but are very potent in small doses. Because they are completely natural, we have used a few on a number of our horses.

Lavender Oil: Often used for anxiety and nerves.
Peppermint Oil: Aids in digestion and respiratory issues.

These are just a few that we have tried on our animals as they have little or NO side effects. They are often overlooked because they are not regulated through the FDA. However, there are many personal  testimonies on how essential oils have both prevented and healed even the most complicated diagnosis.

**We highly recommend discussing options with an experienced veterinarian. Many are very open to the benefits of natural medicine, along with modern medicine.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Goldilox Update #2

Goldie began limping a few weeks ago. We were unsure the cause but treated it as a soft tissue injury. The pain seemed to be in her shoulder. We gave her some Bute and separated her from the herd so she could rest. The limp continued into last week, despite our efforts.

Sometimes love and attention is the best medicine. Goldie is spoiled by our eager little girls. They brush her, feed her treats, and whisper in her ear. She lowers her head to their level, closes her eyes and soaks up the affection. Yesterday,  I took her out of her stall and the limp was gone.

I realize her injury could very well have been healed with rest and time but I like to think that perhaps it's been a while since she has been loved by little girls.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Goldilocks (Goldie) Update

Goldie is a registered Arabian/Quarter Horse mare who came to us last week. She was scheduled to be euthanized because her owner could no longer care for her. The phone call came in around noon and we had minutes to make a decision. Sun River Equine believes in second chances . . . so . . . we went to pick her up at the vet. Goldie had a clean vet check on Friday and is very gentle and loving. Yesterday we tested her in the round pen with a saddle. Even though she is 21 years old, she still has a lot of spirit and her show quality came out. She holds her head beautifully and she maintains a slow steady trot. We are thrilled with her progress after only a week!

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM."

2 Corinthians 3:17