( : Our last day at Crystal Peaks was a VERY wet one.
Best way to start a new day on the ranch. Fireside Fellowship and Worship time. We loved how all the ranch guys played and sung together. Such a strong feeling of family and community.
Both Troy and Kim presented TRU Horsemanship and safety skills throughout the day. When going over safety, we were able to see sample sessions with some of Crystal Peaks kiddos.
In following many of these principles, this youth ranch has never had a substantial injury. Crystal Peaks is truly blessed!

Lauren, Mike and I are putting all of this, our vision, mission and lives into God's hands to do as he will. We feel called to this ministry and we WILL PRAY, LISTEN, and then DO.
Please visit www.sunriverequineranch.org for more information on how you can partner with us ( :
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