Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sun River Season 3 Sessions

Oh how we have miss everyone over these cold months! It does give us the opportunity to reflect and revise how best to implement our mentoring program. This year has been especially exciting as we prepare our new location for events, volunteers and our families!

There are many important dates coming up here at the ranch:

March 22nd (This Saturday)-Volunteer Orientation 10:00-11:30AM

March 29th, April 5th, and April 12th-Volunteer Training/Meet the Herd

April 12th-Volunteer cleanup and Season Preparation Day beginning at 1:00PM

April 26th-"Gallop Into Spring" Season Opener Fundraiser 5-7PM

May 1st-Mentor sessions begin!!

 As you can imagine, we have a list of fun projects in store. Our new round pen, named: "The Horse Play Pen," is located at the far corner of our property, away from distractions and noise.
Stay tuned for fireside worship evenings as the weather changes. Mike and Ranch Pastor Sam will head up the music as we gather for fellowship around the fire.
 Just a funny picture of Scrapper hanging out with Alley ( :
This is such a creative idea! Thank you Mom (Gail Stearns) for sending it over. We think it will make a perfect home for our goats, Seymore and Merle and for Hammy. 

Some of the changes to our youth program will be the following:

-Morning and afternoon session times available
-Saturday sessions offered
-Special event days
-Junior Volunteer Program Additions

We are so excited to have Mrs. Marisa (Reesy) Hone as part of our Sun River Family. This has been a dream of hers ever since she read Kim Meeder's books as a little girl. As program Coordinator, Reesy will be on site during sessions to help with any tasks and to answer questions. 

Thank you Gail Stearns (My Mama) for volunteering to do the volunteer schedule! This is quite the task and takes a very organized individual . . . not a gift I inherited. 

Please check out our new website for all upcoming dates and information. Spring is ALMOST HERE!

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 
 -2 Corinthians 3:17

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